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Learning More Than a Language


Based in Rochedale South, we offer Mandarin Tutoring to small group classes from our custom studio classroom.

Our classes are tailored to a range of age groups and are designed to incorporate song, dance, story-telling and games. Our students learn more than just a language, but also about another culture, customs and expand their understanding of their world.

双双中文学习班位于 Rochedale South 地区,即将开展“一对一” 至 “一对四” 的小班课程。 我们会根据学生的需求,为学生 “量身定制” 专门课程!课程内容融合了歌曲、舞蹈、故事和游戏等,使课堂更加生动有趣,从而提升学生的专注力、调动学生学习中文的积极性,同时我们也倡导形象教学法。 我们的教学理念是让学生不仅能学到一门语言,更能学习到一种新的文化、新的思维以及新的表达方式,让学生从多个角度看待世界,理解并接受人文的多样性,这将是学生学习成长过程中的重要优势之一。

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